Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chicken Quinoa Caesar Salad

Tonight for dinner, I made a meal that I discovered through Essiebutton. If you don't know who she is, then you MUST check her out. She is also a beauty blogger and youtuber from Canada, but she is living in the UK with her boyfriend. Her videos are entertaining in many ways, including her awesome sense of humour. But on to the main part of this post, the food!

Here is the lovely meal I prepared (excuse the random lighter and rubbing alcohol, I am not sure what dad was doing with this.... we had bbq last night so I guess I can explain the lighter)! And although it didn't turn out exactly the same, it was delicious, and my whole family loved it (not just because I was cooking dinner for them ;D ). 

The sauce is so tasty too, although I may have overdone it on the dill... delicious nonetheless! ^^

If you'd like to try this recipe, I give full credit to Essiebutton, and you can watch her how-to video here.


Saturday, April 27, 2013


Hi everyone! Welcome back. This is my second time writing this, because the first time I was doing it on my phone and it died just as I was about to finish the end of the post. Needless to say, I am still posting it for you guys! Ok so here's what you'll need:

1 Brie round with the top layer cut off
1 dozen cherry tomatoes cut in half
3 cloves garlic: 2 minced; 1 sliced in half
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp basil
& extra olive oil to taste

Before starting, set your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

1. Slice off the top (rind) of your brie round and place into an oven safe deep dish. I am using a brie baker.

2. Slice up a dozen cherry tomatoes and place into a small mixing bowl.

3. Mince 2 cloves of garlic and place into the mixture.

4. Measure 1 tsp of basil and place into the mixture.

5. Measure 1/2 tbsp of olive oil and place into mixture.

6. Measure 1/2 tbsp of olive oil (separate from mixture) and drizzle onto the top of the brie.
7. Take 1 clove of garlic and cut in half. Massage the slice of garlic into the olive oil on top of the brie to marinate it.

8. Mix all of your ingredients in the mixing bowl together and pour onto the brie. Set 5 tomato halves aside. With the rest, place them in a ring gap around the brie. Massage some of the left over basil mixture on the top. Place the 5 tomatoes into the desired garnish (I chose to create a flower design, and place the other garlic slice in the middle). Drizzle any extra olive oil on top if desired.

9. Once finished all of the previous steps, place the brie dish into the oven for 10-15 minutes, or whenever the brie becomes soft enough.

10. Take the brie out of the oven (with protection of course, wouldn't want you to burn yourself!) and place onto a hot plate.

11. Serve & enjoy with crackers, baguette, or whatever else you would like!

So I hope you enjoyed this recipe, and let me know if you would like me to do more of these!


Friday, April 26, 2013


Hello friends! Today I will be talking about a recipe for a cold soup that I absolutely am obsessed with! I've been making this for years, and for all you dill lovers out there, this will be right up your ally! It's a cold fresh soup, so it's lovely for those hot summer days. ^^

This recipe is from a restaurant in Merrickville Ontario called the Baldachin. I'm not sure if the restaurant is still around or if they even still serve this soup, but let's just say it has been a LONG time since I've been there. The recipe card was given to my parents from the owner. I'm not sure how healthy this soup is, but it's very creamy and delicious - ingredients consist of english cucumbers, fresh dill, polish dill pickles, sour cream, garlic, vinegar, water, salt, (and sometimes I add pepper or cilantro, but it's really up to you and your tastes).

Here is a picture of the ingredients, as well as the method. Sorry about the stain on the recipe card, as you can tell, I have made it quite a few times. ;)

Once you are finished, you can garnish it with dill, cilantro, parsley, or any other herb of your liking.

The finished product. YUM!

Let me know if you enjoyed this, and if you would like more recipes. I am thinking of starting to blog everything I make ^^


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

03.05.13 - The Beginning

Hey all!

So I really should be researching for an essay right about now, but I have a few too many things on my mind. So instead I decided to do my first ever post on this page. YAY. I think the first thing I'm going to do is go weigh myself ... be right back. ;) 121 ... well either I gained a few or I just didn't pick the right time of day to be weighing myself (it's about 2:30 in the afternoon). So I guess I'll now go do my measurements. Again I'll be riiiiiight back. I had a hard time finding the measuring tape but here it is: 34-26-35.5 Also I am 5'4" for anyone wondering. I shall now set some goals for myself. Since this is a "healthy" weight for my height I won't come up with anything too drastic. At the same time, I see girls with skinny thighs out there (I believe a majority of my weight is from my thighs, butt, and stomach) and find myself wanting to steal their legs for my own. I could probably use some arm toning as well. Seeing as I'm in school for another two months I don't see myself finding a TON of time to work out. But this doesn't mean I can't tweak my diet and start eating a bit healthier.

OK. Here will be my current goals (and to avoid getting unmotivated I am going to start small):

-Weight: I shall try for 115 as my current ultimate goal (two summers ago I achieved 110, but that was working at a bar while moving around a lot and skipping dinner some days due to not getting a break. TRUST ME I DID WANT TO EAT).
-Height: 5'7" .... BAHAHA JUST KIDDING. No seriously... I wish though :'((
-Measurements: I'd like to keep the boobs, but shrink the stomach and the butt. Let's say 34-25-34.
-ABS: I want the abs back that I had two summers ago. WAAAAHHH!
-Food: I shall eat veggies and fruit as a snack, as well as nuts. And Isabelle (friend of FB group! HAI!) suggested a fitness plan which included getting rid of three foods that I usually binge on for 5 weeks. Lets try getting rid of:
1) Candy. I eat a ton of candy. GOD HELP ME. It's probably going to be better for my dental hygiene too if I get rid of this. Ok guys, I can do it. *tear*
2) I love my nuts, so no I won't let you take them *grabby hands* ... in all seriousness though I'm having a hard time finding things to think of... WAIT. I eat a TON of sugary cereal. Maybe I should get rid of that. Yes. That's a great idea.
3) One more. I wish I could say chocolate, but let's be honest. I'm a hormonal fucking woman. So no, I will not get rid of chocolate, but cut down severely. And perhaps I will focus on getting dark chocolate instead. Although I love my white chocolate. It seriously has no health benefits though. It's not even made of cocoa. Cocoa butter isn't actual chocolate, right? I still need to come up with a number 3 though. No more McDonald's. FINE YOU GOT ME. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!
OK to recap: 1) Candy, 2) sugary cereal, 3) McDonald's.

Yeah, this is good enough for now. Frankly I'm tired of writing, and this is making me kind of depressed.

I will survive! (admit it, you just sang that in your head!)

Monday, March 4, 2013


I saw some other people doing fitness blogs to track their progress and decided to do one of my own. Hopefully you enjoy it and decide to stick around.
