Tuesday, March 5, 2013

03.05.13 - The Beginning

Hey all!

So I really should be researching for an essay right about now, but I have a few too many things on my mind. So instead I decided to do my first ever post on this page. YAY. I think the first thing I'm going to do is go weigh myself ... be right back. ;) 121 ... well either I gained a few or I just didn't pick the right time of day to be weighing myself (it's about 2:30 in the afternoon). So I guess I'll now go do my measurements. Again I'll be riiiiiight back. I had a hard time finding the measuring tape but here it is: 34-26-35.5 Also I am 5'4" for anyone wondering. I shall now set some goals for myself. Since this is a "healthy" weight for my height I won't come up with anything too drastic. At the same time, I see girls with skinny thighs out there (I believe a majority of my weight is from my thighs, butt, and stomach) and find myself wanting to steal their legs for my own. I could probably use some arm toning as well. Seeing as I'm in school for another two months I don't see myself finding a TON of time to work out. But this doesn't mean I can't tweak my diet and start eating a bit healthier.

OK. Here will be my current goals (and to avoid getting unmotivated I am going to start small):

-Weight: I shall try for 115 as my current ultimate goal (two summers ago I achieved 110, but that was working at a bar while moving around a lot and skipping dinner some days due to not getting a break. TRUST ME I DID WANT TO EAT).
-Height: 5'7" .... BAHAHA JUST KIDDING. No seriously... I wish though :'((
-Measurements: I'd like to keep the boobs, but shrink the stomach and the butt. Let's say 34-25-34.
-ABS: I want the abs back that I had two summers ago. WAAAAHHH!
-Food: I shall eat veggies and fruit as a snack, as well as nuts. And Isabelle (friend of FB group! HAI!) suggested a fitness plan which included getting rid of three foods that I usually binge on for 5 weeks. Lets try getting rid of:
1) Candy. I eat a ton of candy. GOD HELP ME. It's probably going to be better for my dental hygiene too if I get rid of this. Ok guys, I can do it. *tear*
2) I love my nuts, so no I won't let you take them *grabby hands* ... in all seriousness though I'm having a hard time finding things to think of... WAIT. I eat a TON of sugary cereal. Maybe I should get rid of that. Yes. That's a great idea.
3) One more. I wish I could say chocolate, but let's be honest. I'm a hormonal fucking woman. So no, I will not get rid of chocolate, but cut down severely. And perhaps I will focus on getting dark chocolate instead. Although I love my white chocolate. It seriously has no health benefits though. It's not even made of cocoa. Cocoa butter isn't actual chocolate, right? I still need to come up with a number 3 though. No more McDonald's. FINE YOU GOT ME. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!
OK to recap: 1) Candy, 2) sugary cereal, 3) McDonald's.

Yeah, this is good enough for now. Frankly I'm tired of writing, and this is making me kind of depressed.

I will survive! (admit it, you just sang that in your head!)

Monday, March 4, 2013


I saw some other people doing fitness blogs to track their progress and decided to do one of my own. Hopefully you enjoy it and decide to stick around.
